Bowels of Evil.

The novel “Bowels of Evil” the tale of Beulah, revolves around the scenes of Absentee parenting, child Abuse, superstitious belief, love, Romance, and Friendship. It exposes the Various evil meted out on young girls, adolescent and Adult ladies. It streams down to the superstitious belief which holds many in captivity of expressing and experiencing true love; Beulah became a victim of Osu caste superstitious belief, it almost stole her dreams and aspirations. Even though, she fought through, she may not be able to pour shades of skin colour over the big scar the incident left on her. Amanda was not left out on the train of victimization and Modern day slavery but for hers, she never lived to tell the end.

Below is the link for purchase

Cry or Pray?

By Transit Woman

When men write you off, what do you do? Go by the corner and cry?
That is exactly what the devil wants you to do. He wants you to cry and never pray, he wants you to lose yourself in pity, he wants you to wallow in negativity and low self esteem.

You remember blind Bartimaeus? Ok! He didn’t wallow in self pity like you are doing now, he didn’t resort to low self esteem, he didn’t plead for human mercy, yes! I mean, he didn’t leave himself at the mercy of his friends, he couldn’t have behave like you may be doing now. He didn’t give up on himself, rather, this was what he did. Follow me! Open your Bible to Mark 10:47. Sister Adanna, please read for us. If you don’t have your Bible with you, look at the projector below

New Living Translation
When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus of Nazareth was nearby, he began to shout,, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”

Now, dear friend of mine, leave all other ways you have been handling that situation and cry out to Abba Father. He never sleeps, he is never tired of hearing our prayers, now that you are weak, he is stronger.

Rest in his words and cast all of your cares on him. (1 Peter 5:7)

When men write you off, what do you do? Go by the corner and cry?
That is exactly what the devil wants you to do. He wants you to cry and never pray, he wants you to lose yourself in pity, he wants you to wallow in negativity and low self esteem.

You remember blind Bartimaeus? Ok! He didn’t wallow in self pity like you are doing now, he didn’t resort to low self esteem, he didn’t plead for human mercy, yes! I mean, he didn’t leave himself at the mercy of his friends, he couldn’t have behave like you may be doing now. He didn’t give up on himself, rather, this was what he did. Follow me! Open your Bible to Mark 10:47. Sister Adanna, please read for us. If you don’t have your Bible with you, look at the projector below

New Living Translation
When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus of Nazareth was nearby, he began to shout,, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”

Now, dear friend of mine, leave all other ways you have been handling that situation and cry out to Abba Father. He never sleeps, he is never tired of hearing our prayers, now that you are weak, he is stronger.

Rest in his words and cast all of your cares on him. (1 Peter 5:7)



By Transit Woman

Sometime ago, there was this particular lady who seemed so nice and kind, I admired her so much from a distance and waited for a privileged opportunity to build friendship with her. The opportunity eventually came, she moved to our Quarters, I couldn’t express the joy that overflowed my heart. That was great miracle and answer to my prayers. Days ran into weeks and weeks into months, finally, I had my “idol” seated with me for a chat over lunch. Hallelujah!

“I am honoured to be on this table with you, dear” I stammered like a 17 year old girl on a first date with her crush. Mind you, this lady is just within my age bracket but her style and choice of doing things enamoured me.

From chitchat to long stories and finally to life vision. I took my time to narrate all I felt I could achieve with God on my side, I didn’t bother about reservation, I gave her my Vision template (my huge mistake).

“Do you know how many people who dreamed of these but never achieved them, have actually taken your time to consider what you plan to achieve alone? It is not possible for you to achieve this alone” she asked and said. She went on to name different people I could say I look up to that couldn’t achieve what I wanted. She said so many things, I almost lost my template in her hands. As if something hit me, I quickly took my template from her by saying “Though they failed, I will not fail because I am not alone” I took to minister to her, so she could let go of low self esteem but she couldn’t. I knew that was the end of the supposed friendship. Each time I see Aunty, I will embrace her, talk with her and do some chitchat but we can never be destiny business associates, we can never discuss vision again and we can not connect anymore.

If you are proud to call someone a friend, and you two cannot discuss destiny business, future or life vision and cannot connect beyond the physical, Hmmmm… Aunty, I hope you have set your priorities straight.

You may need not be friends with anyone who does not believe in God’s purpose for your life, except you can handle him.
If your friend does not believe in himself, brother, they will not believe in you. The greatest source of demoralization and discouragement is from an insider or a friend who does not believe in you. Keep trusting God and walk with those who can lift your arm when you are down and never forget that the Lord who gave you that template is able to craft your template into reality.

One who has unreliable friends soon come to ruin but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24)

Jonathan and David may have to continue from where I stopped.

Receive grace to run!



I watched my cousin struggle with her sister, she wailed, she stretched and she threw her legs apart.

“Somma, what is wrong with you?” I asked.

” I want to walk, I don’t want her to carry me” she responded amidst sobs.

I laughed, and wondered if she knew the distance we were to take, if only she knew that her sister and me were wishing someone would carry us. I pleaded with her to stay still but her mind was made.
” Adaoma, allow her to walk.

Somma, was so happy, she ran ahead of us and enjoyed freedom but her freedom was short lived. It was barely twenty minutes before she went back to Adaoma, and pleaded to be carried.

Funny, but, we sometimes, act like Somma in our relationship with God.

” don’t worry Lord, I can handle it. This matter is just a simple task of choosing the school to attend, choosing from the list of companies that have called me for interview, deciding which job to take, deciding which school and country to apply for scholarship, deciding which new business to begin. Some even come online to ask ” Please ooo, what business can I start with 100K?” ” Aaah! Lord, but I took it to be little an action to disturb you for. Lord, I didn’t know you wanted me to tell you about my projects, I didn’t know you wanted me to tell you before accepting the proposal, Aaah! I didn’t know you were also interested in family business, I didn’t know I should have discussed it with you before forcing my child to go for Medicine”
These and more are some of the reasons, excuses and ignorance we give and exhibit most times.

I don’t know how to explain this properly but when we lean SOLELY on our abilities, courage, financial backing, human backing and strength to accomplish projects and missions, we are indirectly saying “Lord, please, bring me down, I want to walk, I can go the distance”
My mom would say “God is interested in every little matter of your life. When you tell him about them all, you are also telling him; Lord, I need your help, I can’t lean on my own understanding”

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

Every other security including eternal security is preeminent when we are able to enter and remain in God’s arm.

For the Ring 💍


If not for the Ring 💍

While we tried to enjoy the free gift to the earth, the tenderness of nature and the Love of God, we sat outside my Aunt’s apartment enjoying the ravishing, fresh, tender breeze which romances our free hair and rustles the paper on her worktable, we drifted off to a line of talk I intentionally avoid; The issue of marriage, imagine discussing such with my Aunt, 😂 I tried to evade but, she held me down, there was no escape, eventually, I opted for the talk, from dating to marriage and wedding till we got to the ring 💍 aspect.

I explained how I love certain rings I had seen. I proceeded to tell her that, I may not be much lucky to wear one because certain churches don’t wed new couple with rings, rather, they use Bible. I was yet speaking when she angrily cut me short,

“Bi… What? What the heck is that? So, I won’t wear wedding ring if I MISTAKENLY agreed to marry one of those men from such churches? So, what is the ESSENCE of marriage if I CAN’T WEAR A RING? Aaah! God knows it would never work!”

She was obviously angry and threw more questions at me like I was one of the founders of those churches of which, my church happens to be one😁.
Well, I may not understand the reason for her anger and that left me perplexed.

Her reaction, intention and interest, made me wonder how people go into marriage with the wrong notion, which explains why most of our 21st century Marriages barely survive.

I may not know much about marriage and the intricacies therein but, I do know some have gone into marriage for some flimsy, irrational and inappropriate reasons such as,

“who will wash my clothes if I don’t marry? (they forgot washing machine😀),  If not that I am a Christian, the best is to keep baby mama and avoid wife palaver, I only want to marry that Bro. Because he promises future security, they say the only way a woman gets fully successful is, if she got married irrespective of her other success, if marriage is the way forward, let’s go there, I don’t want to be alone, I won’t want people to ridicule me for being unmarried, If marriage can pay my bills, why not? “

Then, there are still others like my Aunty who wants to marry because of the 💍, I am not even left out on this, I remember a time not so far from now, I really got obsessed in the whole drama of carrying my own pretty, little and supple young in my arm, that for me, was the only reason I wanted to marry 🤣🤣.

I am not here to tell you the right reasons you should marry, No! Not at all. I only came to your place to ask you a question instead and please, forgive me for that.

” The reason you married or the reason you want to marry, are they in line with God’s purpose for marriage?”

I sure do not want the answer before I take my leave, take your time and do reconsider, if need be.


sonnetofatransitwoman 2020

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